Contract of advertisement (presentational) services

Contract of advertisement (presentational) services

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Contract of advertisement (presentational) services

Cape Town

I (Me) ___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as Customer, as one party and ALPA CONSULTING LIMITED, hereinafter referred to as Performer, in the person of the General manager of Akenzua Adio, operating on the basis of the resolution of Board of Directors and Charter, as the other party and together «the PARTIES» concluded the following Contract Of Advertising Services (hereinafter — the Contract):


1.1. The customer commits, and the Performer undertakes liability to render the organization and transportation support service assistance according to the Requirement Specification Annex № 1 to this present Contract, being its integral part.
1.2. Terms (steps) of service execution are defined in the Requirement Specification (Annex № 1 to this present Contract).
2. PARTIES OBLIGATIONS 2.1. The Customer must: 2.1.1. pay for services rendered by the Performer according to conditions of the Contract; 2.1.2. provide necessary information and the primary documentation for treaty provisions performance to the Performer in time; 2.1.3. treaty provisions performance by corresponding power of attorney delivery and-or authority granting. 2.1.4. Not later than within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the white copy of the Contract and / or Annexes thereto from the Performer, in the absence of disagreements, they shall be signed and one copy of signed documents shall be returned to the Performer 2.2. The Performer must: 2.2.1. render service according to the Requirement Specification (Annex № 1 of this present Contract); 2.2.2. apply lawful and objective methods and means while service rendering; 2.2.3. render full service, in order and in terms defined in the Contract and Requirement Specification (Annex № 1 of this present Contract)
2.2. The Performer must:
a) render service according to the Requirement Specification (Annex № 1 of this present Contract);
b) apply lawful and objective methods and means while service rendering;
c) render full service, in order and in terms defined in the Contract and Requirement Specification (Annex № 1 of this present Contract)
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